Tom SpeightWe have worked with Tom for 4 years and were humbled to be asked to work on his second album.
Tom Speight releases second album ‘Everything’s Waiting For You’. Garnering strong support across TV, Print and Online.
The Brief:
We have worked with Tom for 4 years and were humbled to be asked to work on his second album. Our remit was to raise his profile further into the mainstream whilst keeping him true to his core fanbase via the tastemakers.
Our Work:
Five News: Interview talking about Indie vs Major streaming income/influence.
Sunday Times Culture Mag: Review
Clash Mag: Review
Atwood Mag: Track by Track Review
Alex Rainbird: Track Feature
Wolf In a Suit: Review
Indievibes: Track Feature
Music For Misfits: Review
Glassefactory: Review
Music For Humans: Review
Caesarlive&loud: Review
The Most Radicalist: List Pick
Pretty In Noise: Review
Belwood: Review